Account statuses
After adding your account to the list, you need to wait a little while for it to authorize and load your inventory. Usually it takes no more than 5 minutes.
You can see all authorization progress or errors if you click "Show Statuses" button
In this case, all accounts are successfully authorized in Steam and on all markets!
In case of errors in the statuses, do not worry, it happens when Steam or marketplaces freeze. The panel will try to authorize the account again in 5 minutes.
Also in this section you can see columns with such information:
- RT / Vac (Steam red plate or Steam ban)
- Steam balance
- Date the account was added
- How many items in the inventory remain temporarily locked for exchange
- Whether a payment password is set on the TM account (required to collect balances)
- If there are any pending withdrawal requests on the TM that need to be canceled manually
- Whether nickname and avatar required to be changed after adding and information about successful change
- Whether it was required to change password after adding and information about successful change.
- Columns responsible for authorization statuses of sites and additional information in case of errors.
Then in the next item (Account Workers)